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A Spell to Move Through Life with Confidence, Grace, and Joy

A Spell to Move Through Life with Confidence, Grace, and Joy


Have you ever wanted to move through life with more confidence, grace, and joy? While telling yourself to be more joyful isn’t always enough, there’s a powerful way to tap into these energies. In this simple ritual, you’ll learn how to access the essence of these qualities and manifest them into your daily life.

At the core of all spell work is manifestation, but it’s important to remember: we don’t manifest what we consciously think—we manifest what’s deeply ingrained in our subconscious. When something is embedded in our body and mind, it naturally begins to appear in the world around us. Ready to shift your energy? Let’s dive into the ritual.


At the core of all spell work is manifestation, but it’s important to remember: we don’t manifest what we consciously think—we manifest what’s deeply ingrained in our subconscious.

What You'll Need:

  • A space large enough to spin in a full circle with your arms extended

  • An outfit that makes you feel confident and joyful

  • A bouquet of your favorite flowers

  • A small pocket-sized crystal (trust your intuition to choose the right one)

  • One candle of any type

  • A piece of paper and something to write with


Preparing for the Ritual:

Set aside time during the week before the full moon. Find a quiet evening where you can be undisturbed. Make sure you have fresh flowers and your favorite outfit ready. You’ll also need to prepare a space in your home where you can stand, stretch out your arms, and spin without obstacles.

Step 1: Create a Sacred Circle

Start the ritual by putting on your chosen outfit. Stand in your cleared space, and with your bouquet in hand, begin placing each flower one by one in a circle on the floor. It doesn’t need to be perfect, but the circle should be large enough for you to sit comfortably in the center.

Step 2: Set Your Intention

Once the circle is complete, sit in the middle and light your candle. Take your paper and write down your intention. For this ritual, write: “I move through life with confidence, grace, and joy.” Feel free to add any personal touches, like a calm mind or a strong body. Once you’ve written your intention, fold the paper toward you twice.

Now, burn the paper. As you focus on the flame, visualize your desire being carried into the spirit world. See the fire as a medium transforming your intention into a reality.

Step 3: Infuse Your Crystal with Energy

Take your chosen crystal in your dominant hand. Place it on the crown of your head and say aloud, “I am guided.” Then, move it to your third eye and say, “I receive divine wisdom.” Finally, place the crystal over your heart and declare, “I feel this transformation in my body.”

As you hold the crystal, imagine your energy flowing into it. Focus on a time when you felt strong, calm, confident, graceful, and joyful. If you can’t recall such a moment, visualize a future where you embody these feelings. Allow yourself to feel the joy, confidence, and grace radiating through your body.

Step 4: Affirm Your Transformation

As this feeling reaches its peak, declare out loud with as much strength and conviction as you can: “I am that.” Blow out your candle, sealing the energy of the ritual.

Step 5: Anchor the Energy

Place the crystal under your pillow for the night. When you wake up the next morning, carry the crystal with you throughout the day. Keep it in your pocket, and whenever you need a boost of confidence, joy, or ease, simply touch the crystal and silently remind yourself: “I am that.”

If your flowers still look fresh, feel free to display them somewhere in your home where you can enjoy their beauty for a bit longer.

Embrace Your Power

This ritual is a powerful tool to help you embody the qualities of confidence, grace, and joy. By connecting with your subconscious and infusing your daily life with these energies, you can begin to manifest a life filled with ease and positivity.

For more rituals like this and to learn more about ritual magic, subscribe to my channel or visit my website at

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meet the author

Jennifer Davoust is the founder of Sacred Ritual Magic. Her spiritual journey started in childhood with memories of past lives lived in service to the goddess. From the sleep temples of Egypt to the standing stones of Avalon; awakening this deep soul remembrance she discovered her mission to bring Real Magic back into the world.

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