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A Spell for Divine Love A Spell for Divine Love

A Spell for Divine Love

A Spell for Divine Love

Do you often question your worthiness? Do you feel a void inside of you? Did you miss the love you were meant to feel as a child?

Your divine mother is with you now. You cannot fully heal until you know how truly loved you are. Divine love is all around you and within you now. Knowing this love will set you free. Awakening to divine love is the key to unlocking your highest destiny which will lead you to a life of fulfillment, alignment, and prosperity! This transmission is an activation to wake up the knowing of divine love within you. It is meant for anyone who is ready to claim their soul’s truth and open their heart fully."

Divine love is a powerful force that can enrich our lives in profound ways. It connects us to the universe and to ourselves, reminding us of our inherent worth and the beauty of existence. If you’re seeking to attract this kind of love into your life, you can harness your innate psychic gifts to manifest it. Here’s a spell that combines intention, energy, and spiritual connection to bring divine love into your reality.



You Will Need

  • A quiet, comfortable space where you can focus without distractions.

  • A candle (preferably pink or red, symbolizing love and passion).

  • A small piece of rose quartz or another crystal that resonates with love energy.

  • Your favorite essential oil or incense for setting a sacred atmosphere.

  • A journal or piece of paper and pen.



Prepare Your Space:

  • Find a tranquil spot where you won’t be disturbed. Light your candle and any incense or essential oils you’ve chosen for love.
  • Take a moment to breathe deeply and center yourself.

Set Your Intention:

  • Write down your intention clearly and positively on the paper or in your journal. For example, “I am open to receiving divine love from the depths of my being.” By cultivating an essence of love internally you shall see your desire begin to manifest in the outer world. “As within, so without.” ~The Emerald Tablet
  • Visualize this intention as already fulfilled, feeling the emotions associated with experiencing this love.

Connect with Your Psychic Gifts:

  • Close your eyes and focus on your higher self. You may imagine a warm, glowing light at the center of your being, radiating outwards. This light represents your connection to the divine.

Charge Your Crystal:

  • Hold the piece of rose quartz (or chosen crystal) in your hands. Envision it filling with the energy of love and acceptance. You may speak aloud or silently affirmations such as, “With the crystal I now wield the power of divine love.”

Speak Your Incantation:

  • With sincerity and belief, recite your intention aloud three times. Feel the words resonate within you and out into the universe. Trust that your intention is heard and supported by higher energies.

Visualize and Release:

  • Close your ritual by visualizing yourself surrounded by a pink or golden light, symbolizing divine love enveloping you. Feel gratitude for the love that is flowing towards you. Trust that the universe is aligning to bring this love into your life.

Close Your Ritual:

  • Thank the universe, your guides, or any divine beings you believe in for their assistance. Blow out your candle, knowing that the energy of your intention will continue to manifest.


Remember, the key to this spell is belief in your own ability to connect with divine energies and manifest your desires. Trust in the process and remain open to the signs and synchronicities that may guide you towards experiencing divine love in its many forms.

May this spell bring you closer to the profound love that you seek, aligning your heart and spirit with the beauty and abundance of the universe.

Blessed be.

meet the author

Jennifer Davoust is the founder of Sacred Ritual Magic. Her spiritual journey started in childhood with memories of past lives lived in service to the goddess. From the sleep temples of Egypt to the standing stones of Avalon; awakening this deep soul remembrance she discovered her mission to bring Real Magic back into the world.

Is Magic Your Mission Too?


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This step-by-step guide will teach you everything you need to know to craft and perform magical spells of all kinds.

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