Cord cutting rituals are powerful tools for releasing unwanted energies and breaking ties that no longer serve you. By performing this ritual, you can free yourself from past relationships, negative attachments, and emotional burdens. This step-by-step guide will help you harness your personal power and intention to cleanse your energy and move forward with clarity and strength.
Materials Needed:
Black candle
White candle
Parchment paper
Amber incense
Black salt
Banishing herb blend (Cayenne, Clove, Angelica, Burdock, Elder)
Lighter or matches
Cleanse the Space
Light the incense and allow the smoke to cleanse your space. This creates a purified environment for your ritual and puts your mind into a deeper state of connection with the energy of the moment.
Reflect on the Release
Reflect on the person, place, or thing you would like to release yourself from. Feel the connection of the energetic cords binding you.
Write Your Intention
Write down everything you are ready to release on the piece of parchment paper. This will solidify your intention with written words.
Prepare the Black Candle
Hold the black candle and concentrate on the cords you are about to cut. Connect to the energy you are releasing and give thanks for any important lessons this person, place, or thing gave you. You can take what serves you and release the rest.
Place the Black Candle
Place the black candle on one side of a fire-safe dish or tray. The black candle symbolizes what or who you are releasing.
Prepare the White Candle
Hold the white candle and think about who you will be when these cords are no longer connected to you. Focus on your liberated self.
Place the White Candle
Place the white candle a few inches from the black candle on the dish or tray. The white candle represents you in this ritual.
Fold the Parchment
Fold the parchment and place it between the candles. Place your intention in the center of the ritual.
Wrap the String
Wrap the string around each candle, looping first around the black candle and then the white candle. This symbolizes the energetic cords to be cut.
Create a Protective Circle
Pour a circle of black salt around the candles on the dish. This will ensure the energy of release is harnessed and captured within the ritual space.
Light the Candles
Light both candles and let them burn all the way down. Watch as the fire breaks the string. It is important to be present with the flames as the ritual continues. The way the cord breaks can tell you a lot about the bond you had with this person, place, or thing, and will show you how ready (or not) you truly are to release.
Dispose of the Remains
When both candles have burned completely, dispose of the wax and the paper. This will finalize the release and affirm that you are free.