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New Moon Ritual for Abundance and Prosperity New Moon Ritual for Abundance and Prosperity

New Moon Ritual for Abundance and Prosperity

New Moon Ritual for Abundance and Prosperity

The new moon is a powerful time for setting intentions and planting the seeds for future growth. It's the perfect opportunity to focus on manifesting abundance and prosperity in your life. This ritual combines the energies of the new moon with the power of candle magic, sacred herbs, and the invocation of Archangel Metatron through sacred geometry. Designed for those familiar with ceremonial magic, this ritual will help you call in your next level of wealth and riches.

Ritual magic centers on the focused intention, a crucial element in achieving any goal. When you perform a ritual for wealth and prosperity, you direct your thoughts, emotions, and energy toward a specific financial goal. This intense focus helps to align your subconscious mind with your conscious desires, creating a powerful synergy that enhances your ability to manifest those desires in your reality.

Ritual magic is not just about the symbolic actions; it's about the energy you raise and direct during those actions. By performing a wealth ritual, you amplify your personal energy and align it with the frequency of abundance. This heightened energy state makes you more attuned to opportunities and more resilient in pursuing your financial goals.

The psychological impact of ritual magic is profound. By regularly performing rituals for wealth and prosperity, you cultivate a mindset of abundance and success. This positive mindset is crucial, as it can remove mental blocks, reduce stress, and increase your motivation and confidence. Believing in your ability to attract wealth can make a significant difference in your financial reality.

Incorporating ritual magic into your quest for wealth and prosperity offers numerous benefits, from harnessing the power of intention and amplifying personal energy to creating a positive mindset and connecting with universal forces. It encourages a holistic, creative, and empowered approach to financial success. By integrating ritual magic into your life, you can enhance your ability to attract abundance and transform your financial reality, making it a compelling practice for anyone seeking to elevate their wealth and prosperity.


Materials Needed

  • One green or gold candle: Symbolizing abundance and prosperity.
  • Anointing oil: Such as olive oil or a specific prosperity oil blend.
  • Herbs: Lemongrass, Jasmine, Burdock, Juniper, Cinnamon, Peppermint, Basil, and Rosemary.
  • Mortar and pestle: For grinding herbs.
  • Matches or a lighter: To light the candle.
  • Sacred geometry symbol: Metatron's Cube, either drawn or printed.
  • Paper and pen: For writing your intentions.
  • Fire-safe dish: For burning the paper.
  • Small dish of salt: For cleansing.

Step-by-Step Instructions

Step 1: Prepare Your Space

Find a quiet, comfortable space where you won't be disturbed. Cleanse the area by sprinkling salt around the perimeter or by smudging with sage or another purifying herb. Set up your altar with the candle, anointing oil, herbs, sacred geometry symbol, and any other items you wish to include.

Step 2: Ground and Center Yourself

Sit comfortably and take a few deep breaths. Visualize roots growing from your feet into the earth, grounding you and connecting you to the planet's energy. Feel a sense of stability and calm as you center yourself.

Step 3: Prepare the Candle

Hold the candle in your hands and focus on your intention for abundance and prosperity. Visualize your desired outcome clearly in your mind. Next, anoint the candle with the oil. To do this, start at the middle of the candle and rub the oil upwards to the wick, then from the middle down to the base, symbolizing drawing in abundance.

Step 4: Prepare the Herbs

Using a mortar and pestle, grind the herbs together, focusing on your intention with each motion. Combine a pinch of each herb: Lemongrass for clarity and purification, Jasmine for attraction, Burdock for protection and grounding, Juniper for prosperity, Cinnamon for success and wealth, Peppermint for energy and clarity, Basil for luck and abundance, and Rosemary for protection and purification.

Step 5: Dress the Candle

Roll the anointed candle in the herb mixture, ensuring it is well-coated. As you do this, continue to visualize your intention, seeing the herbs enhancing the candle's power to manifest abundance and prosperity.

Step 6: Write Your Intentions

On a piece of paper, write down your intentions for abundance and prosperity. Be specific and use positive, present-tense language. For example:

"I am attracting unlimited wealth and financial abundance into my life. I am prosperous and financially free. Money flows to me effortlessly and consistently."

Step 7: Invoke Archangel Metatron

Place the Metatron's Cube symbol on your altar. Light the candle and focus on the flame. Hold your hands over the sacred geometry symbol and say the following invocation:

"Archangel Metatron, keeper of the sacred geometry and guardian of divine wisdom, I call upon your presence and assistance. Infuse this ritual with your powerful energy and align my intentions with the highest frequencies of abundance and prosperity. Guide me and support me as I manifest my desires. Thank you for your blessings and protection. So mote it be."

Step 8: Burn Your Intentions

Fold the paper with your written intentions and hold it over the candle flame until it catches fire. Place it in the fire-safe dish and watch it burn, visualizing your intentions being released into the universe and carried by the smoke.

Step 9: Concentrate and Visualize

Spend a few moments in meditation, focusing on the candle flame and visualizing your intentions manifesting in your life. See yourself experiencing abundance and prosperity, feeling the emotions of joy, gratitude, and fulfillment. Concentration and visualization are crucial, as they help to align your energy with your desired outcome.

Step 10: Close the Ritual

When you feel ready, extinguish the candle, thanking Archangel Metatron and any other spiritual beings you may have called upon for their assistance. Ground yourself by taking a few deep breaths and visualizing any excess energy flowing back into the earth. Reflect on the ritual, noting any thoughts, feelings, or insights in your spiritual journal.


This new moon ritual for abundance and prosperity combines the powerful energies of the new moon, candle magic, sacred herbs, and the invocation of Archangel Metatron through sacred geometry. By focusing on your intention, concentrating on the ritual actions, and visualizing your desired outcome, you can effectively manifest greater wealth and riches in your life. Embrace this practice with an open heart and a clear mind, trusting in your personal power to create the abundant life you deserve. Blessed be.

meet the author

Jennifer Davoust is the founder of Sacred Ritual Magic. Her spiritual journey started in childhood with memories of past lives lived in service to the goddess. From the sleep temples of Egypt to the standing stones of Avalon; awakening this deep soul remembrance she discovered her mission to bring Real Magic back into the world.

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