Sacred Ritual Magic
Juniper Smudge | Herbal Bundle for Ceremony
Smudging is a powerful cleansing technique used by many cultures around the world for thousands of years to remove stagnant and invoke light and the grace of spirit. In ancient times Juniper was used for ritual purification of temples. The ancients believed the smoke aided clairvoyance. It was burned for purification and to stimulate contact with the Otherworld at the Samhain festival at the start of the Celtic year. In central Europe, juniper smoke played a part in the springtime cleansing and casting out negativity. A wonderful fragrance to burn, Juniper wands are used in ceremonies or simply for aroma. These wands can be used for protection, purification, cleansing, wealth, healing, and prosperity. Use our smudge sticks to cleanse a space, person, object, or your own mind, body, and spirit.